Why Southeastern?

Vocational education takes a hands-on approach to learning, integrating academic course work with vocational and technical education. This multi-pronged approach to education has proven successful time and time again. Educating today’s youth for tomorrow’s challenges in an environment that teaches through example is what makes us special. Just ask our students.

Most employers of employees who had participated in work-based learning reported that those employees were superior to comparable new employees in terms of productivity and attitude. In short, our students are ready to participate in the workforce or go on to two and four year programs.

Southeastern takes an interest in each and everyone of our students. Using the resources of our great teachers and support staff, we offer educational and support opportunities not available in traditional educational settings. From our modern facilities, to our technologically enabled classrooms, to our vocational shops and athletic programs, Southeastern works!


Southeastern Regional Vocational-Technical High School is a four-year public high school serving students in the following communities:

  • Brockton

  • East Bridgewater

  • Easton

  • Foxboro

  • Mansfield

  • Norton

  • Sharon

  • Stoughton

  • West Bridgewater

At Southeastern, students choose from 20 career majors in preparation for life’s challenges and opportunities. Our school combines a rigorous academic curriculum with state of the art vocational and technical studies to help students realize their full learning potential.

The schedule is designed to have students alternate between academic and technical coursework. This process promotes integration of studies and helps bridge the gap between theoretical and practical experience.

The hands-on approach to learning helps connect students to education and provides the basis for life-long learning – an essential skill in today’s highly competitive global market.

Upon graduation, students have the choice of furthering their education in any two or four-year institution or going directly into the workforce.

We invite you to browse through our website. Check out our program offerings, support departments and watch our videos. Enjoy discovering the many great benefits we have to offer.

Our Mission

Mission Statement

Our mission is to create confident, civic-minded students, encourage continuous growth, and promote a culturally inclusive environment that values all interests and needs in order to develop valuable members of society who strive for their personal fulfillment and economic independence that impact our local and global community.

Core Values


Beliefs About Learning

  • We believe that all students must feel safe, both physically and emotionally, in all areas of learning to ensure a safe, productive and respectful learning environment.

  • We believe that all students have a voice in their learning and have the right to challenge themselves and take risks through rigorous and authentic learning.

  • We believe that all students are provided with independent and collaborative 21st Century learning opportunities fostering student interests, aptitudes, and abilities.

  • We believe that effective communication practices and leadership skills of staff and students are conducive to better teaching and learning processes.

  • We believe that all staff and students will learn and succeed at a high level in and out of the classroom.

Learning Expectations

Academic & Career

  • Students will be able to: 

  • Work independently and collaboratively to demonstrate mastery in core academic subjects and technical areas through a variety of assessments.

  • Conduct themselves safely and responsibly in their technical areas.

  • Communicate with clarity, focus, and consideration of audience and purpose.

  • Analyze, synthesize, and evaluate relevant data and information to solve problems effectively.

  • Read for comprehension and apply critical thinking skills to analyze grade level texts and reading selections. 

  • Demonstrate flexibility, adaptability, and perseverance.

  • Create an individual educational and career plan focusing on the academic and technical skills necessary to be successful in their high school career and beyond.


  • Relate to each other with empathy, compassion, and respect. 

  • Collaborate effectively with peers and school staff. 

  • Develop self-control, time management and personal responsibility/accountability.

  • Exhibit appropriate standards of professional conduct.


  • Become active, participating, and contributing members of society.

  • Model the conduct expected of engaged and responsible citizens.

  • Demonstrate an understanding of civic duties within their local communities, while exploring global challenges.

  • Challenge the accuracy, logic, relevance, or clarity of statements.

Public Records

In accordance with “An Act to Improve Public Records,” Chapter 121 of the Acts of 2016, Southeastern Regional School District has provided the following information in compliance with the new act effective January 1, 2017:


The Records Access Officer (RAO) has a duty to:

  • Coordinate the District’s response to requests for access to public records;

  • Assist individuals seeking public records in identifying the records requested;

  • Assist the custodian of records in preserving public records; and

  • Prepare guidelines that enable requestors to make informed requests.

Students/graduates and other school districts who wish to request a transcript should contact the Guidance Office at (508) 230-1293.

Public Documents:

Title IX

Affirmative Action and Nondiscrimination Statement

Public schools have the responsibility to overcome, insofar as possible, any barriers that prevent children from achieving their po­tential.  The public school system will do its part.  This commitment to the community is affirmed in the following statements of School Committee intent to:

  1. Promote the rights and responsibilities of all individuals as set forth in the State and Federal Constitutions, pertinent legislation, and applicable judicial interpretations.

  2. Encourage positive experiences in human values for children, youth and adults, all of whom have differing personal and family characteristics and who come from various socioeconomic, racial and ethnic groups.

  3. Work toward a more integrated society and to enlist the support of individuals as well as groups and agencies, both private and governmental, in such an effort.

  4. Use all appropriate communication and action techniques to air and reduce the grievances of individuals and groups.

  5. Carefully consider, in all the decisions made within the school system, the potential benefits or adverse consequences that those decisions might have on the human relations aspects of all segments of society.

  6. Initiate a process of reviewing policies and practices of the school system in order to achieve to the greatest extent possible the objectives of this statement.

The Committee’s policy of nondiscrimination will extend to students, staff, the general public, and individuals with whom it does business.

Under Title IX of the Education Amendments of 1972 and Title VII of the Civil Rights Act of 1964, educational institutions are responsible for preventing sexual discrimination against their students and employees.  Sexual harassment is considered to be a form of sex discrimination.  If sexual harassment involves a minor student in a school setting, it can be considered a criminal offense under laws relating to child abuse.

The Title IX Coordinator

Lois Miller
Director of Guidance

A detailed description of the complaint and grievance process may be found in the Student Handbook.

The Title IX Coordinator and other administrators are participating in ongoing training to ensure a thorough understanding of and compliance with the requirements of Title IX. This list of training resources will be revised as additional training is completed.

District Report Card

District Policies

NEASC Accreditation

The New England Association of Schools and Colleges, Inc. (NEASC) is the United States’ regional accreditation association providing educational accreditation for all levels of education, from pre-kindergarten to the doctoral level, in the six-state New England region. It also provides accreditation for some international schools, particularly at the elementary and secondary levels. Founded in 1885, it is the oldest of the regional accreditors in the United States. Southeastern Regional Vocational Technical High School is a proud member of NEASC.

NEASC accredits more than 2000 public and independent schools, colleges and universities in the six New England states of Connecticut, Maine, Massachusetts, New Hampshire, Rhode Island, and Vermont. As of 2011, the NEASC counted 253 degree-granting colleges, universities, and other post-secondary institutions, and 86 vocational-technical schools in its membership. The association’s Commission on Public Secondary Schools had 650 member schools in the six-state New England region, including 641 accredited schools and nine candidates for accreditation. The Commission on Independent Schools had 615 members in New England and Canada, including 577 accredited schools and 38 candidate schools. Membership also included about 106 accredited public elementary and middle schools in New England. The Commission on American and International Schools Abroad (CAISA) accredits almost 200 American/International schools in 68 nations around the world.

The NEASC is headquartered in Burlington, Massachusetts. You may visit their website here.